There's a bit of a buzz around sleep these days. Until several years ago, I didn't even know there was such a thing as "sleep hygiene"...did you? We know that good-quality, restorative sleep is essential for physical and mental health. We also know that many of us are not getting it.
What's most surprising is that it's not just sleep deprived parents, or overworked city dwellers walking through our doors feeling exhausted. More and more 20 and 30 somethings walk into our clinic with a sleep apnea diagnosis, insomnia, burnout or some other form of interrupted sleep that presents more than once/week.
As a wellness based clinic, our RMT and R. Ac team can help you to find much needed balance. It starts with permission to rest. Just walk into our sanctuary/studio, enjoy the soft music, the dim lights and 60-90 minutes of passive un-interrupted rest. Of course there's more to it than that; you'll also be in the hands of a professional who can help. At Pinpoint you can seek a blend of therapeutic massage + medical acupuncture with RMT Julie, or a stand alone traditional acupuncture session that addresses deeper ailments leading to sleep issues with R. Ac Megan. Any form of bodywork is a good place to start.

If you are new to bodywork and you have sleep issues we recommend starting with a few sessions of Registered Acupuncture. R. Ac is covered by extended health benefits and addresses the deeper causes of interrupted sleep. It dives deep into your physical body while also addressing lifestyle habits, diet, body temperature and even the emotional body to figure out what's causing your sleep issues. Your acupuncturist also uses tools to make a complete TCM diagnosis by taking your pulse and looking at the health of your tongue.
Tongue diagnosis is an ancient practice in TCM ~ and one that gives your practitioner clues to the state of your internal body.
A simple Google search can give you some insight on the most commonly used points for sleep deprivation; now all you need is the right practitioner. If you can't make it in to see us, or you need tools to help in between your sessions here is a list of ways you can invite restorative sleep into your life:
Practices to Invite Better Sleep: